A sixth Dream Fund Edible Playground announced in Liverpool

St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic Primary School, which is situated in the Norris Green area of Liverpool, is about to embark on a new teaching and learning journey over the next few years, thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The programme is a partnership between Trees for Cities, School Food Matters and Chefs Adopt a School to create 10 flagship Edible Playgrounds in London, Manchester, Leeds, Reading and Liverpool.

Trees for Cities will transform areas of the school playground into an edible playground, which will give pupils at St Teresa’s the opportunity to grow fruit and vegetables and learn why healthy eating is important.  As well as enriching the pupils learning experience, it will also enable the teachers to teach across their broad and creative curriculum in a fun and engaging outdoor space.

“Outdoor learning, linked to project based learning, is a major passion of mine and we are delighted to be working with Trees for Cities to transform areas of our school grounds into an edible playground”, said Acting Head Teacher, Andrew Tremarco.

“We have also created a Cookery Classroom and our school cook delivers cooking lessons to students 2-3 times a week. We welcome Chefs Adopt a School, as part of the Dream Fund programme, to raise the profile of cooking in school even further and are excited to be working towards a Food for Life Award with third charity partner School Food Matters”.

The edible playground will be designed specifically for the school, including raised beds for growing salads, root vegetables, brassicas, soft fruits and herbs, fruit trees, a green house and a composting area. Pupils will enjoy planting and harvesting workshops throughout the year, and teachers will receive support to teach outdoors through gardening.

Clara Govier, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery said: “We are delighted that the £249,180 in funding from players of People’s Postcode Lottery is allowing Edible Playground across the country, the success of the project is proven and I can’t wait to see the impact in Liverpool.”

David Elliott, Chief Executive at Trees for Cities said “We are delighted to announce our sixth Dream Fund Edible Playground at St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic Primary School in Liverpool. Edible Playgrounds show children how rewarding it is to spend time outdoors and get them excited about where their food comes from. Currently we have developed over 30 edible playgrounds supporting over 10,000 pupils across the UK.”.

The edible playground will be completed by September after which there will be a launch event to celebrate their fantastic new garden.

If you or your business want to help raise the remainder of the funds needed for this project please visit http://www.edibleplaygrounds.org/ where you can make a donation or get in touch with the team on 020 7820 4413.